Realistic Fiction and Sport Stories
Genre Study Realistic Fiction is a genre that is based on realistic things that could actually happen. The settings and characters are...
21st Century Genres
Genre Study Ok come on we've been in the 21st century for a while now. It's time to accept that technology is here to stay. So use it!...
Genre Study Mysteries are similar to adventure stories in that they, too, are very engaging and action-packed. These stories are in their...
Illustrated Stories and Picture Books
Genre Study Illustrated stories and picture books are texts with many pictures where the story is explained with the use of detailed...
Genre Study Poetry is a genre that puts a heavy focus on language, presentation, and meaning. The type of language that is used in poems...
Genre Study The adventure genre is full of stories that tell tales of survival or spending life in the great outdoors. These stories are...
Science Fiction and Fantasy
Genre Study As if learning science wasn't fun and engaging enough, science fiction and fantasy books take science education to a whole...
Historical Fiction
Genre Study Historical Fiction is a genre that is made up of imaginative stories that are based on past events or people. Stories and...
Tales, Myths, Legends, and Fables
Genre Study Before I looked into this genre; I thought fairytales, folktales, fables, legends, and myths were all pretty synonymous....
Concept Books
Genre Definition A concept book is a book that introduces a concept or idea. They don't usually contain a plot or storyline. Examples:...